A new thing for awhile.

So I'm graduated with my BFA in graphic design, and I know a trick or two about qr codes.  Now what?

While I figure that out, I'm returning to updating, as well as working on blkraptor.com.
A little bit of back story:

When I was getting my Associate in Science, I would always draw with an ink pen in a composition book.  This is mainly because of the record keeping required in scientific study (every mistake/ page torn out is recorded).  Now that I have a Bachelors in Fine Arts, I'm returning to the comp book and ink formula.  I'm going to daily post a page a day of what I'm experimenting with now, and it is going to shape my ascetic.  Also, this is a composition book, not a sketch book.  There will be writing in my horrible script.  You don't have to read it, it's mainly nonsense.  Share and Enjoy ~Tea~

a new beginning and a new book.


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